Post Conference Workshop

Data4Good & Responsible AI-Automated Data Collection: How Do You Ensure Data4good?

November 30, 2021 | 10:00 – 11:30 AM | FREE


Web data gathering, especially smart, AI-driven, data retrieving, cleansing, normalization, and aggregation solutions, can significantly reduce the amount of time and resources that organizations have to invest in data collection and preparation.

Though web data collection has existed for a long time, the use of AI for web data gathering has become a game-changer.

As methods for the data domain multiply, so too do calls to ensure that these methods are used “for good,” or at the very least, ethically. But how do we know if we are achieving “good”?

Microsoft Israel R&D Centre’s Chief Scientist Dr. Tomer Simon alongside Bright Data’s CEO Or Lenchner will explore the different questions raised when approaching data at a mammoth scale. They will also discuss interesting cases that use and leverage data for battling climate change, fighting social injustice, and even saving lives.

The focus of this workshop is to champion a “do no harm” approach when accessing and approaching data using AI and take a closer look at the ethical, compliance-driven processes and questions one must address when doing so, even when approaching what is considered to be “public domain data.”

During this workshop, we will also introduce a set of questions we created that can assist any organization in the process and provide different real-life examples of data being used and tested for good.

Bringing together AI and Data Science Professionals. #aidatascienceconf